The Monster Trio

The green circle monster wore a pink tutu
While he danced, traipsing around
In oval shapes with pointed toes.

The black oval ghost wore a white mask
While she slept, floating towards
The midnight sky with angel wings.

The round olive dragon wore a diamond cap
While he waited, snarling beside
The fire pit with flaming breath.


The Worry Dragon

I built a pet dragon out of mismatched socks. He was different shades of green with a long neck and tail. He was soft and squishy and made for a good pillow. I told him all my worries. He ate them up, always hungry if I had more. If he ever looked thin, I would feed him more of my fears. I dragged him everywhere, so he was always dirty by the end of the week. I would throw him in with my laundry and he returned fresh and clean again. I told him my greatest fear which was being left all alone. His neck turned down as he swallowed that thought and stuffed it inside of him. This giant-sized fear filled him up so much that his green sock skin started to stretch thin. I felt a flood of all my anxious thoughts rushing back towards me. I became worried and panicked all over again. I held my puffy dragon close to my chest. I started crying when I noticed a small hole in his heart. The fears were escaping. I sewed him together, and my worry dragon held all my fears for me once again.
