The Mirror Monster

I walked through a purple mirror. My skin tinted to lavender, and my hair turned to a deep shade of burgundy wine. I blended into the pastel colored air almost disappearing except for my dark hair. I saw purple people running around purple streets in purple shoes with purple feet. I walked through amethyst layered gardens and passed by rows of plum-fairy palaces. I hopped across lilac stones and skipped through fields of violets. I danced under the dark raspberry sun. I ate plums and grapes as I planned my escape. I tried to go back through the mirror, but the deep fuchsia force kept pushing me away. I was battling against a monochromatic monster that had a predilection for mauve. I decided to use my secret weapon, an orange hidden in my pocket. I held it up to the purple mirror, and the mirror freaked out and dissolved into a pale white mist. I ran through the fog and I was back into my colorful world once again.


The Magic Bubbles

I was doing the dishes with a new, lavender scented dish soap. It created shimmering purple champagne bubbles that bounced into the air. I was mesmerized watching this theatrical performance of dancing bubbles. I scrubbed the dishes more and the bubbles flew higher. I used tons of soap and the bubbles got bigger. They flew to the ceiling and kissed one another as they completed their performances. I clapped at the end of each show, popping the bubbles with my hands. I watched some the bubbles merge into larger bubbles and others fall and disappear. I created a magnificent purple spectacle in my sink. I wanted to join the show, so I started jumping up and down. I curled into a ball and then exploded into a jumping jack with my arms spread wide. As I burst upwards, I reached for a huge purple bubble. I pulled it over my head and squatted down. I went to jump up again and I floated off the floor. I was trapped inside the bubble. I bounced on top of the foam fountain tower in the sink looking into the purple-tinted world outside.


The Purple Palace

I found a small, shiny purple seed outside my patio. I grabbed the tiny gem, knowing that it was special, and my hand started to glow. I planted the seed in the empty pot next to the kitchen window sill. I came down to make my coffee the next morning and noticed the ceiling was starting to crack. There was a giant stem with thick, glove-sized leaves covering the sink and bursting through the walls. I looked up and saw a huge, orange bud twenty feet in the air. My whole house was exploding with this massive flower so I climbed up to the top of the stem. I peeled open one of the petals to the bud and there was a magnificent palace of purple fairies inside. They invited me in, and all of the sudden I had purple wings and a new home.
