The Red Cloud

I was being stalked by a large red cloud. It trailed me wherever I went. I walked to school, and it strolled along with me. I went to sleep, and it rested on top of me. I climbed a tree, and it floated up too. I didn't know how to get rid of this red cloud.  I googled "red cloud following me" and the red cloud blocked my screen. It knew my thoughts too. I decided I would sink the red cloud in the ocean hoping it couldn’t swim. I jumped into the ocean and the water around me turned red. The waves that were calm turned angry and rough. I tried to swim to shore and I could barely catch my breath. I finally made it to land, grabbing the rocks along the edge with my hand to pull myself up. I sat there, shivering in the cold. The red cloud wrapped itself around me like a warm blanket. Thank you, I said. And the red cloud dissolved through my skin and melted into my heart.


The Pink Necklace

I found a necklace in my garden. It was draped around the tulips waiting for me to save it. I rescued the dark rose quartz gem that was cut in an imperfect shaped heart. I put the necklace on and I started to glow. My skin was radiating a light pink aura, and I began to float off the ground. I grabbed onto a tulip stem as I rose into the air, but the force was so strong that the tulip came with me. I had no control over where I was going. I gently drifted through the sky with my heart gem and my tulip. I looked behind me and I left a soft pink trail wherever I went. I floated through miles of plains and fields and oceans. I plucked a leaf off a passing by tree for a pillow as I continued to float in my sleep. I was delicately placed on the top of a castle tower where I was greeted by a small hummingbird. I gave her the tulip, and then flew behind her through the turret window.


The Giant Hug

I found a giant, awkward and totally lovable heart on the sidewalk. It was cold outside and the heart was frozen in the snow. I wrapped my arms around the heart to carry it home. It was heavy and long, and I tried my best to make sure the tail of the heart stayed off the ground. I got to my house and squeezed the two of us through the door. I placed my giant heart on the couch and together we sat by the fireplace. I fell asleep by the fire resting my head on my giant heart pillow. I dreamed I was a superhero that found hearts around the world and saved them. I recounted lugging this massive heart home to protect it from the cold. I woke up and panicked. The heart was gone. I searched the whole house, but I couldn’t find it. I knew the heart was still there, and I could feel its warmth. The heart melted into a giant, awkward and totally lovable hug that filled the air.
