The Blue Cave

I followed the orange path by the blue lake. I was enchanted by the shiny orange sparkles that glimmered in the distance. I wanted those mandarin diamonds. It was getting hot on the orange path, and my feet were starting to burn. I was tempted to dip my toes in the lake to cool down, so I started to step off the orange trail. But I couldn’t. It was like the orange path was sucking me in, and I couldn’t move away from the colored runway. I tried harder and harder to pull away. And the harder I tried, the angrier the orange path became. I could feel the ground getting hotter and the orange color turning darker. My feet started to sink into the burnt orange sand. I screamed and pulled, desperately wanting to dive into blue lake next to me. The orange path enveloped me and I was thrust down an orange slide into the depths of the blue cave. I started following a blue path now suddenly enchanted by millions of shiny blue sparkles that twinkled in the dark.


The Tall Hat

I bought a tall orange hat for the summer. The hat was twice my height, and it was hard to walk because I had to balance this incredible statue-like structure on my head. I would constantly hit billboard signs, street lamps and rooftops. I had to arch backwards to get through the doorway of my house. I could no longer fit in my bed with my hat on because I was so tall. The logical thing would be to take off the hat. But, the hat was so tight that I couldn’t get it off my head. I tried and tried and the hat just kept inching down my face until it swallowed me whole.
