The Spaceship Sandwich

I built a spaceship at work. I was bored, and the spaceship was small. The spaceship was made out of two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, crunchy cheese doodles for side launching rocket ships, and marshmallow puffs for combustion smoke. I strapped along several oxygen tanks made out of lemon starbursts. I secretly wanted to shrink myself so I could fit inside my spaceship and launch into outer-space. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and nothing happened. I took a bite of the rocket ship sandwich and imagined the flames bursting inside of me. I started lifting off my chair. I took another bite, and my body launched into the sky at a hundred miles an hour.


The Purple Palace

I found a small, shiny purple seed outside my patio. I grabbed the tiny gem, knowing that it was special, and my hand started to glow. I planted the seed in the empty pot next to the kitchen window sill. I came down to make my coffee the next morning and noticed the ceiling was starting to crack. There was a giant stem with thick, glove-sized leaves covering the sink and bursting through the walls. I looked up and saw a huge, orange bud twenty feet in the air. My whole house was exploding with this massive flower so I climbed up to the top of the stem. I peeled open one of the petals to the bud and there was a magnificent palace of purple fairies inside. They invited me in, and all of the sudden I had purple wings and a new home.


The Rainbow Tornado

I was walking home from work, and I got swept up in a rainbow tornado. The first thing I saw was colors streaming from the sky. I twirled around and the colors wrapped around me like a soft blanket. I reached for the purple circles above my head but I caught the blue squares instead. The blue squares were cards with different symbols on them. I threw the card with the smiley face on it as hard as I could into the eye of the tornado. The tornado ate it up and then started to slow down. The tornado was hungry so I continued to feed it more cards. The tornado got slower and slower until I managed to gently step out of the twirling wind and onto the street. I magically landed one block from my house.


The Blueberry Island

I built my own island out of blueberry jello in the middle of the beach. The island was surrounded by white sand. I created a moat and built a barricade of seashells to protect it from the waves. I constructed a large canopy over the blueberry castle to shield it from the sun. I insulated the wiggly walls with grape jam for extra cushioning against the wind. I designed layers of protection to preserve my new piece of property. Everything was fine until a small dog came along and smelled the blueberry bliss of my jello town. Before I could wrap my arms around the fruit-flavored kingdom, the island was devoured.


The Tall Hat

I bought a tall orange hat for the summer. The hat was twice my height, and it was hard to walk because I had to balance this incredible statue-like structure on my head. I would constantly hit billboard signs, street lamps and rooftops. I had to arch backwards to get through the doorway of my house. I could no longer fit in my bed with my hat on because I was so tall. The logical thing would be to take off the hat. But, the hat was so tight that I couldn’t get it off my head. I tried and tried and the hat just kept inching down my face until it swallowed me whole.


The Carrot Lady

I started a carrot farm in my backyard last summer. I wanted more orange in my life. I planted rows after rows of carrot seeds, and months later I started digging out truckloads of carrots. My whole basement was full of carrots. I lived on carrot juice and carrot cake. I wore an organic carrot crown. I started cooking carrots, pickling carrots, and then I opened up a carrot everything-and-anything Etsy shop. I sold handmade carrot cards and made life-sized parrots out of carrots. I painted with carrots and I painted on carrots. I went carrot crazy and was known as the carrot lady.


The Caterpillar Costume

I dressed up as a caterpillar and took my kite to the park. I stretched my long train-like body along the grass, holding my dark green kite with my antenna. The kite blew in the wind as I swiveled back and forth to keep up with the movement. The sky was full of puffy white clouds, and my kite got squished in between two giant marshmallow clouds. The kite tugged at my antenna until it popped off and my caterpillar costume disappeared into thin air. I felt light and free, and I could no longer feel the ground. I was floating through the sky as a little butterfly.


The Pink Obsession


I’m sort of obsessed with pink. Like pink flowers and pink umbrellas. I start the day with rose tea in my pale blush coffee mug. I tend towards pink salmon and pink grapefruit. I collect strawberry pink fireflies that exist only in my imagination when I’m sitting on my hot pink bean bag chair. I write with pink pens and I draw pink pig pens. I doodle with fuchsia markers while sipping pink raspberry lemonade. I thought I might get a cat named Pinky. And of course I’m writing this in my pink pajamas.


The Honeycomb Hotel

I found myself going in circles. It started when I entered the white honeycomb layers of the bee hive next to my house. I was invited through the secret passage that required a special hand-flap-wing-tap passcode. The problem with this honeycomb hotel is that there were so many layers upon layers of paths made with overlapping circles. I kept wandering until I got dizzy, and then finally I decided to take the blue expressway that was reserved for small black widow bees only.


The Worm Hole

One day I decided to pick flowers from the garden. I collected only the pink ones that had five petals and put them in my hair. I got slightly greedy and tried to pull out this tall pink punk rock flower with this avant-garde hair cut that was growing totally out of control. I reached over to grab the stem and slipped and fell backwards down this giant magenta worm hole. I had never been down a worm hole before, but the flowers in my hair bloomed into the most lovely, over-sized parachute above my head. I floated down safely towards the empty seat next to the Queen Worm who introduced herself as Katherine.
